Meandering Monday
Over the years I've collected, or been given, several very cool snow globes. I always forget how wonderful they are until that moment when I unbox them at Christmas. I love the fun in shaking them to swirl the snow, then listening to the perfect tunes when I wind the musical key. That's when I know it's Christmas...
Nick shaved my head again last week. I asked him to just give me a trim as the April shave had finally grown out enough to be a bit wild and unruly. We couldn't remember which trimmer attachment we'd used before, though I didn't want it shaved as close as last time because now it's Winter and I'd freeze without hair. We settled on the #5 attachment. I asked him to start at my neck where it was really shaggy, though for some unknown reason he buzzed straight from the back of my neck to my forehead in one long swipe.
Then there was a total, deep silence.
I raised my head to see why he wasn't talking or moving. Holy Wrong Attachment Batman!! I looked like the mayor of Whoville after the Grinch plowed a trench through his hair. The look of horror on Nick's face was priceless, which made me laugh, although that reaction swiftly departed as I realized how truly short my hair suddenly was.
Wailing ensued.
But with no help for it, Nick had to shear off the remainder of my hair to match the near-bald streak going right down the middle of my head; he apologized profusely with every fresh buzz of the trimmers.
I actually don't mind that I've recovered from the shock. It's super easy to deal with: after my shower, I just rub my hands over my almost bald head and I'm done! It is a bit chilly going outside though. Nick says it's really cute and he likes it, but honestly, what else is he gonna say under the circumstances?
Yesterday I made some really delicious tomato soup and thought some homemade crackers would be yummy to go with it. I have this recipe for Olive Oil Crackers that I've been wanting to try, so with the rain pouring down outside and the Great British Baking Show on the television, I made the crackers.
It's a super easy recipe, makes 48 crackers exactly, and wow, are they yummy! The recipe says to roll out until very, very thin--about 1/16"--and they mean it. I had some that were a tiny bit thicker but thought they would still work. They did, just weren't quite as crispy like a cracker, more like a really thin flatbread. Next time I'll pay better attention to that 1/16" thing.
These little gems were just perfect with the soup and a small salad...
Though I am thrilled to be almost done with 2020, I know that at least the first half of 2021 will be more of the same fear, uncertainty and angst that we've been experiencing throughout this wretched year. Well, minus the lunacy, lies and utter ineptitude of "He Who Shall Not Be Named" currently in the White House--which will feel like a vacation in the tropics compared to the last four years once he's gone.
So, in light of a new year fast approaching, I ordered my new bullet journal last week and it arrived today! I've been using Archer & Olive for my last two books but there just aren't enough pages for a whole year--at least for me--so I did some research and found one that I thought might fit the bill from a company called Vivid Scribbles...
Well, I started with Christmas and will end there as well. To everyone, near and far, family and friends, stay safe, stay home (it's just one holiday peeps, you can manage that, can't you?) and have a wonderful holiday, no matter how you celebrate the season.
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