Puppy Zen

Yesterday I wrote a lengthy post about the insanity of Trump, rising numbers of COVID, and the disastrous state of America right now, among other things.  I got interrupted before I could publish it, then got too busy and forgot to come back and finish.


It's just I'm so tired of all the craziness and lies and sheer, utter crap, constantly fighting off feelings of no hope, no relief, no cure for what ails not only my country, but the world in general. There seems to be no end in sight, or a better outcome other than imminent doom.


I opened my email this morning, expecting nothing more than the usual nightmares, feeling the same despair I've had for months now, hearing the same rhetoric, reading more Bedlam blather...on and on.


My sister sent me a picture of Finn, now almost 3 months old.  I laughed, my heart lifted a bit, and I had one of those "universe provides" moments.  Just when I needed it most, I was able to step away from the present global turmoils and totally appreciate the innocence, the joy and freedom of a puppy just being...himself. Clueless of the world detonating around him, he lives in a bubble of love and happiness.

So, to save my sanity, I'm going to go channel my inner puppy.  That's definitely better than any alternative...
