Hope It Counts

Yesterday I cast my vote.  In Oregon, we've been doing mail-in ballots for years, so for us, it's a familiar, simple and easy process.  However, with all the misinformation, voter suppression and outright lies about mail fraud, I wanted to hand-deliver my ballot...just to be on the safe side.

We parked at the courthouse and even with the drop box right outside, I had already planned to go in and use the hall slot outside the County Clerk's office, but as I started to walk up the courthouse steps, the clerk and a fellow employee came out with large plastic mail tubs and began to empty the overflowing ballot box.  Woo hoo!!  Perfect timing.  

When I gave the clerk our ballots, she asked if we'd signed the back of the envelopes and even after I said yes, she still checked.  I thanked her for the diligence. She said everyone's vote was important, especially this election; I agreed wholeheartedly and we bumped elbows and smiled--though when wearing a mask the only way to see a smile these days is to look for the crinkly eyes.

As I walked back to the car, passing several folks heading to the ballot box, I felt an odd kinship with them, and all the people that had already voted.  I don't know if my vote will make any difference in the overall scheme of things, but I've joined the millions who also have hope that yes, our voices matter.
