This and That

I finished my 30-Day Yoga Challenge on Sunday, and woo hoo, what a cool thing!  My YouTube channel had two days where I couldn't connect, so I had to add those days to the end, which took me into February, but whatever: I did it!!

Even though I'd been doing yoga five days a week prior to the challenge, by the end of that first week I was hammered, mainly I think because I was used to taking weekends off to recoup.  But since this was a challenge, I kept going, day after day, until funnily enough, somewhere in there, it just became a natural thing I did every morning to start my day.

On Monday I was going to take some time off before I got back into my usual 5-day routine but somehow I couldn't.  It felt weird to not get back on the mat.  So now I'm doing another 30-day (well, 29-day really), though this one isn't actually a challenge but more a normal, scheduled daily yoga practice.  It's been a great way to start the new year...and each day.

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I wrote the above Wednesday morning, expecting to finish later in the day once I'd run some errands.  Unfortunately, whilst out and about I heard that the Senate had acquitted Trump.  By the time I got home, I was sad, angry, and deeply disgusted that my country has lost its way so horribly.  The Senate should be ashamed to put party above the people, let alone the Constitution.  And riddle me this, Batman, how do you have a trial but don't allow any witnesses?  I can only hope there are still decent, honest folks out there who will vote in November to remove as many indecent and dishonest politicians as possible, but mostly the biggest one of all.

In any case, I forgot about finishing the blog after hearing the news.  I'm still struggling with the concept that yes, there apparently is at least one person above the law after all.

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Okay, change of channel (and mindset)...

There are six very large Birch trees in the front yard.  I adore them.  They shade the house during the hot Summer months and make the front porch feel like a little secluded bower.  From the road you can't see through the limbs so it's private and cozy.  However, Birch trees have four seasons of debris.  There are seed pods and broken twigs, buckets of golden pollen and leaves.  Basically, year-round the trees are doing something.

Benny loves the twigs.  I've had to be sort of stern about bringing them in the house as he tears them to pieces and leaves bits and bobs all over the carpet. The other day I was here in my little office and heard, "You're gonna get in trouble buddy," as Nick and Benny came in the front door.  I pause.  I know it's gotta be a branch or twig.  Sure enough, when I went to check, he was working his way through a small branch.

I sigh, give Nick the look, but seriously, is it any wonder he gets away with stuff?  Look at that adorable wee face.  And those Fabio caramel-colored ears.

With the trees endlessly dropping twigs and branches on the porch, it's a losing battle.  From Benny's perspective, however, it's just amazing that these chew toys keep falling from the sky!

So no, I didn't take the darn branch away.  Free dog chews are a good thing...
