
Showing posts from October, 2019

Happy Hallowe'en

Spent a wonderful Saturday last weekend carving pumpkins.  We had gone to the local farm that grows acres of them, plus they have a corn maze and hay rides leading up to October 31st.  It's always a fun thing to do in the *Fall, even if there aren't any kidlets involved.  I love wandering through the rows and vines to find just the right one...or three. Later, as I was merrily carving away, I couldn't help but wonder why we do this crazy pumpkin thing every year...besides the fun factor, of course.  A bit of research and now I know. Long story really short:  Once upon an Irish myth there was a fellow named Jack.  He tricked the Devil for his own gain.  When he died, God wouldn't allow him into heaven and the Devil wouldn't let him into hell, so he was destined to roam the earth forever.  To ward off any unwanted visits from Jack, or any evil spirits for that matter, folks carved scary faces into turnips, put a lit candle inside and placed these in their windows

Dog Lessons

Sometimes there's only so much I can take in before thinking my head might explode.  I practice yoga five days a week, meditate, and strive to remain objective and calm in the face of looming disaster. Some days are better than others for sure, but this week has been a constant barrage with the relentless political chaos of Trump; the faltering British Brexit deal; the nuclear threats from North Korea; the Chinese trade tariff fiasco; Bolsonaro letting the Amazon forests burn; climate change; gun control; a Berlin Wall in America...yikes!  I could feel the pressure building this morning, like my brain was a balloon ready to pop at any moment. Then I spied my wee dog, Benny, taking a nap, his head resting on his favorite toy, which he often uses as a pillow.  It made me smile.  And reconsider my day.  All he wants is love, a tummy rub, and doggy treats after a good walk. I can't get that basic, but I can chill, be in the simple moment of a crystal-clear Fall day with the sun

Censorship...or How I ended up with a new blog today

Yesterday I was reading an article on the DailyMail website about the Duchess of Sussex leaving Cape Town and heading for Johannesburg with Archie.  There was an adorable photo of her at the airport carrying Archie close to her chest, slightly covered with a blanket.  For some reason, I scrolled down to the Comment section--something I rarely do as there are so many troll police these days, I can hardly stand it.  And yep, there they were--amongst a small group of supportive folks--the haters, spewing their vitriol about how she couldn't carry Archie properly, what a bad mother she was, how fake Prince Harry is, blah blah.  I'm just getting so disgusted at the constant attacks on these two, that I did something else I rarely do:  I left my own comment…a quick, one sentence observation.   Imagine my astonishment when I opened my email this morning to find the moderator for DailyMail had deleted my comment due to so many complaints about what I’d said.   Holy Support t