And Another Month Slides By...

I've written three separate blogs this month...and posted none.  Sometimes I just have to write out my frustrations, or angst, or worries just to clear out my mind.  I'll let those kinds of posts simmer for a day or so, then go back, reread...and most of the time hit the delete button. Although it feels good to unload in a wild burst of writing, there's truly enough negative crap out there, I don't need to rehash it here. We're all brutally aware of the gun massacres, the horrible attacks on Asian Americans all over the country, the repellent Reptilian politics...ugh. Enough.

So, on to more positive stuff:

We got our first doses of the Moderna vaccine--and wow, what a sore arm I had for a few days!  Then a week later I got Covid Arm, a weird side effect that concerned me for a bit until I found out the bright red baseball-size spot that appeared at the injection site was normal.  Who knew? (And how unfair that Nick didn't get it too! Maybe it's a girl thing...or probably just me).

Anyway, Friday, it's dose #2 for me and frankly, I'm slightly ambivalent. On one hand I know I'm going to get the 24-36 hour symptoms (fever, chills, aches, etc.) and I really don't want to spend the weekend being sick. But on the other hand, I also can't wait to get fully vaccinated and know that even if by some horrid chance I still get Covid, I won't be hospitalized or die from it.  A weekend of feeling crappy vs possible death? Yeah, okay, not much ambivalence, after all.

Nick goes on Saturday, which is about when I'll be getting ill, but on Sunday when he supposedly will start getting sick, I'll be recovering, so it all works out somehow. We've decided to just suck it up, get through whatever happens over the weekend, and just focus on getting to Monday.  I'm making a big crockpot of chicken soup and some papaya ice cream Friday morning, so no matter who's down for the count, there will at least be comforting food.

Now, it would be totally wonderful if we didn't get sick at all--and I know two folks that had absolutely no side effects--but I figure after Covid Arm, I'm most likely a prime candidate.


The weather is bursting with warmth...and bringing out the flowers. Daffodils are blooming all over the front yard and the trees are showing a multitude of little buds. I love Spring.  Such renewal and life-affirming joy from nature. I always feel hopeful that with the change in seasons, will come change in hearts and minds.

I brought a little sunshine inside a few days bright and cheerful...


Benny's been feeling a bit cooped up lately.  I think the past 376 days of near isolation is also getting to him, he's starting to look a bit crazy...

When he's not looking (and acting) like a nutter, he's taking long naps in his favorite spot: the back of the couch on his blankie...

To Benny, the world is simple: food, love and cuddles, toys and long cozy naps. There's no hate, no racism, no politics.

He sets an example I really need to cultivate...
