
Showing posts from 2021

And Another Month Slides By...

I've written three separate blogs this month...and posted none.  Sometimes I just have to write out my frustrations, or angst, or worries just to clear out my mind.  I'll let those kinds of posts simmer for a day or so, then go back, reread...and most of the time hit the delete button. Although it feels good to unload in a wild burst of writing, there's truly enough negative crap out there, I don't need to rehash it here. We're all brutally aware of the gun massacres, the horrible attacks on Asian Americans all over the country, the repellent Reptilian politics...ugh. Enough. So, on to more positive stuff: We got our first doses of the Moderna vaccine--and wow, what a sore arm I had for a few days!  Then a week later I got Covid Arm, a weird side effect that concerned me for a bit until I found out the bright red baseball-size spot that appeared at the injection site was normal.  Who knew? (And how unfair that Nick didn't get it too! Maybe it's a girl thing....

Snow Flakes

Honestly, could Ted Cruz or his wife, be any more tone-deaf or heartless?  Not only do they leave their home state and millions of Texans during an epic winter storm crisis without a backward glance, but they left a tiny poodle named Snowflake alone in their frigid house while they jetted off to Mexico. According to tweets sent by Mrs Heartless to friends, it was FREEZING (her caps) and they wanted to get away from the weather and hang out for five days at the Ritz in Cancun where it was warm and sunny.  She invited others to join them at the Ritz, where she apparently can't resist flaunting that this is where they've stayed "many times before".  I'm pretty sure their fellow Texans, out of heat, food and water, were thrilled to hear it. Supposedly, the wee dog was being watched by a Cruz security guard, although he was in his nice, warm car outside while little Snowflake was inside the FREEZING house day and night. Today is National Love Your Pet Day.  Mr & Mr...

Lost The Plot

 January.  What a month, in a long stretch of awful months. It was such a dreadful month, in fact, that I lost the plot entirely and couldn't write a thing for weeks. It's hard to believe we're approaching one full year of this pandemic with almost no end or relief in sight.  The vaccine isn't rolling out as quickly as we'd hoped, and now with the mutations happening across the globe, it might not even work anyway in the long run. The horror of over 440,000 dead today in America alone just makes me want to scream and rage. One of my old neighbors in Edinburgh passed away on January 7th, from Covid.  It was heartbreaking news.  We'd been friends for years, even after I returned to America.  We'd emailed just before Christmas when she told me her husband had the virus and was in the hospital; she was in quarantine at home with a negative test and no symptoms.  Then I sent her a New Year's email, expecting to hear that she was fine and her husband was hom...