What A Week

I had a meltdown on Tuesday.

You know how you can just go along, outwardly acting like you've got it handled, you're in control because eventually, this too shall pass, even though internally there is turmoil you try to ignore or fight or pretend isn't really there?  But then, along comes some little, inconsequential thing that bursts open the floodgates and there's no stopping the torrent.

I don't even remember what kicked it off.

I'm not a crier.  It's just not in my playbook.  I'd much rather get mad than cry.  But holy tearjerker, Batman, on Tuesday over lunch, I totally lost the plot.  Burst into tears, ran from the room, sat on the floor in my closet and wailed like a scalded cat.  Poor Nick.  He gave me a few minutes, then came and sat down on the floor with me while Benny tried to lick my tears away.  Which made me cry harder as women are wont to do.  I tried to explain when Nick asked me what was wrong, but I really didn't understand it myself at first.

Once I calmed down, blew my nose twelve times, and washed my face, I realized I had just cried out six months of overflowing anxiety, fear, worry, grief, disgust, despair, and horror: the quarantine had finally taken its toll.

But everything's good now...no, really...honestly, I'm fine...


The heat has been pretty intense this week; today in particular is supposed to top out at about 110* (43 C).  That's just too hot on so many levels.  It's hard to get stuff done, in or outside.  Heat is so energy-sucking, to say nothing of dangerous.  So it's everybody staying indoors today--as if the past months haven't been isolating enough.

Update:  Yesterday the temperature peaked at 111.6...Seriously, shall we have a convo about climate change now, or when it's too late?


Kamala Harris has been chosen as Joe Biden's Vice President, as everyone knows by now.  To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to all the Democrats running this Spring for President, there were just too many, so I didn't know much about her. Besides, I pretty much figured it would be Biden, though based on nothing concrete, just my feelings.  Now the Reptilians, er, sorry, the Republicans are slamming her left, right and center, as expected.  I wasn't for her one way or the other as a choice, until yesterday when I read something she responded to after Trump did his usual endless tweet-bashing.  Her reply was perfect and she's now got my vote:

"He inherited the longest economic expansion in history from Barack Obama and Joe Biden," Harris said.  "And then, like everything else he inherited, he ran it straight into the ground."


August, 1920.  100 years ago the 19th Amendment is ratified.  Women had been fighting since 1848, but it took 72 years before they finally got the right to vote, although it would take more than 40 years and the Civil Rights movement for Black and Native American women to get their voting rights.  Generations of women have come before us, paving the way for us to not only vote, but to own land, open a bank account, serve in the political arena.  We should not just be celebrating our right to vote, but also take a moment to remember all the women who sacrificed, fought, were beaten and jailed so that we, today, can make our voices heard.  Please register to vote...and then cast your ballot in November.  I truly believe the fate of our country, our very democracy depends on it.  This is history in the making people, be a part of it.  VOTE.
