Time Flies When You're Having...Fun?
The excruciating heat has made being outside unbearable and we kept putting off some major chores whilst waiting for cooler weather--that never comes--until suddenly realization hit that it was almost the end of August and the Summer work had barely been started. Last week we decided we couldn't wait any longer, regardless of heat, Hell or high water. Now we're not only sanding/painting the very large back deck, but also digging a 30" deep by 20' long trench for our new bamboo privacy screening, and preparing a section of terracing for two new trees that need to get planted before too much more time goes zipping by. And all this in temperatures that fry my brain, melt my resolve and cook my motivation. Today I have some time before the zucchini bread comes out of the oven, so rather than tax my addled wits, I'm just gonna post a few photos and call it good... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last month when I got my birthday Buddha for the garden, I planted a ...