Flora and Fauna

Unbelievably, it's already the last Sunday of June.  You would think, still being in isolation, that the days would just drag on and on and maybe for some folks it does, but for us there's always stuff to do, with the house, the garden, the dog, so time seems to be flying by.  Strange really since time is just a human construct, how one person's speed is another person's slog.

Since I don't have any inspiring or interesting stuff to write about today, I thought I would just do some shots of the flora and fauna in the back garden. Beware however...

Here there be dragons...

Bonnie and Clyde are two Blue-Bellied lizards who live in the backyard.  Bonnie rules.  The other day they got in a real fight as Clyde seemed to have some amorous ideas that Bonnie was just NOT in the mood for.  The fight went on for many minutes until Bonnie beat the crap out of Clyde.  We think she's either ready for some little ones, or is already nesting.  Whatever, she nailed poor Clyde and ouch! took part of his hide in the process...

He apparently got the hint as we didn't see him again until much later in the day when he was sunning himself...alone...

When our nearest neighbors prepared to move away last year, Jen told us we could have any pots, flowers, whatever from her garden.  We took several plants, though the coolest thing was a very beautiful Clematis.  It had seen better days, but was still alive so we hauled it home, found the perfect spot and stuck it in the ground. This year it's taken off with wild abandon, not only climbing the trellis but wrapping around the upper deck rails as well.  I guess it's happy...

This morning, after a little rain squall, I went outside to check on the garden--veggies are doing great--and saw that one of my geraniums had sprouted two wee flowers.  They looked so fresh and pretty with the drops of rain sparkling in the sun...

I have a really big pot that sits along the driveway next to the garage.  This year I planted five gorgeous begonias.  Yesterday I noticed they were just beginning to bloom so after taking the geranium shot above, I went out the backyard gate to the drive, prepared to take some pictures of the beautiful pink and white blossoms...

The deer!!  The cursed deer!!

They have never come so close to the house or driveway before.  So naturally, just when the flowers are blooming, they decided to risk it and spent some quality time in the early morning hours munching their way through the plants.  I just stopped dead in my tracks and shrieked, which brought man and dog racing out to see what was wrong.  Nick was upset because his perfume sticks didn't work for the first time, I was upset because the pot was bursting with big green leaves and fat buds just the day before and Benny, using any excuse to bark, added his two cents to the uproar.

I'm having to rethink what to put in that pot now as the deer are being more bold in coming so near the house. I'm discouraged that perhaps I won't be able to have plants in that space at all because they've discovered a new fast food restaurant. 


Too bad Bonnie and Clyde aren't a bit bigger...
