Magic And Moonbeams

Even in the midst of uncertainty, confusion and borderline chaos, Nature carries on.  No matter what calamities we humans face, the seasons continue with or without us.

Here in southern Oregon, the weather has warmed considerably--today being 87* and a bit too warm for early May--however, the veggie seeds I planted just a few weeks ago are already sprouting and the flowers are blooming in profusion all over the front and back gardens.  What might be too hot for me seems to be just right for my plants.  It's magic really how quickly things can spring into life.

Watermelon, beans, and zucchini...

Two rows of lettuce have been thinned, carrots are just getting their second leaves, my sunflowers are about an inch above ground and the tomato plant is already over 7" tall.

The flowers are also loving the weather. The orange-glow color of the poppies are almost LED bright in the blazing sun. I always let them go wild on the back slope, reseeding themselves willy nilly wherever they feel like.  It's a surprise every Spring to see where they've come up.  And the year ever with big purple blooms that are so fragrant it's eye-watering. For real.

Snapdragons are one of my favorites.  I usually save the tiny little seeds then scatter them all over the back slope in the Fall.  Again, they grow wherever they want.  This year the white ones are up and flowering first...

Then there are these little beauties.  I can't ever seem to remember their botanical name; I just call them my Scottish flowers as they not only look like the Scottish flag, but remind me of my beloved Scotland.  I had a really great garden there...

I'm so happy my plants and trees, humans and animals, are alive and well. I know this is not the case for so very many people.  I hope every single day that this wretched plague will finally start to decline although I fear getting back to normal is a long, long way off.  

And I had such high hopes for 2020 when it began...sigh


Wednesday was the last Super Moon of the year. I couldn't resist trying to get a shot, so I got the tripod set up, camera ready, and sat outside on the deck waiting for the moon to rise.  It felt like a Summer evening, warm on bare feet, deep blue sky, quiet, and nice to be outside at night. 

And wow, I could have read a book in that moonlight.  I took nearly a hundred photos--thankful for digital--and managed to get four or five that were okay, though none were great. Still, it was a fun little camp-out sort of thing and my camera did pretty well, all things considered...

"It is a beautiful and delightful sight to behold the body of the Moon"

                                                                      ~~ Galileo
