A Rant: Police, Politics and Prayer
I really don't know where to begin. More tears than smiles this week... First, and foremost in my heart, is the murder of George Floyd . If you live in America, this is another incident--in a long, long line--of police brutality and the unwarranted killing of a black man. If you don't live in America, the photo in the above link shows exactly how George Floyd was murdered by an officer of the law kneeling on his neck for over 8 minutes while George continuously gasped that he couldn't breathe. Is this what they teach these days in police academies: subdue an unarmed man, who is not struggling or resisting, by kneeling your total body weight on his neck? They tried to make the excuse that George had a medical condition that contributed to his death. Well, yeah, I guess he did: Kneeling Neck Syndrome, usually found only in black males. Thankfully there were plenty of witnesses and video to totally refute their attempted cover-up. I despair for my coun...